
New project- Affi-Pred

New project alert! Affi-Pred is our laboratory’s most recent project about computational Toolbox for Discovery of new Affinity Ligands. Affinity ligands are key molecules in biopharmaceutical purification. The project focuses on using of molecular modeling techniques for the development of an innovative algorithm “Affi-Pred” (Affinity ligand Predictor), to apply in the discovery of next-generation synthetic …

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Arménio Barbosa- Award

Arménio Barbosa, researcher at the Biomolecular Engineering Lab, was awarded 100k and 2k hours of CPU and GPU time for the SpikeLig project, from RNCA, Unidade FCCN.The SpikeLig (Affinity ligands towards the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) project will develop affinity ligands towards the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.The project aims to unravel the atomistic details of lead …

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ERC Grant

We are very happy to announce that Ana Cecília Roque was awarded a  ERC PoC Grant to validate the technological and business feasibility of an innovative method for the smell-inspired technologies for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. The project UNMASK : Unraveling Parkinson ́s disease diagnostic will be funded with €150K and this is the researcher’s …

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Iana Lychko – Best Poster Award

During the MicroBiotec23 conference (December 7th-9th),  Iana Lychko, PhD student in Biotechnology from Nova School of Science and Technology , was awarded with the Best Poster Award in Bioprocess Engineering. The scientific work was about ” Optimized production of reflectins and characterization of their reversible self- assembly”. The scientific work presented was developed under the …

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Affinity Technology Award – Cecília Roque

During the #Affinity2023 conference, Cecília Roque was awarded with the Affinity Technology Award by the International Society for Molecular Recognition (ISMR). This award distingues the prestigious scientific work in the field and is granted in each Affinity meeting. Many congratulations!

Younger Investigator Award – Gonçalo Teixeira

In Affinity2023, held in Lisbon in 5-7th June 2023, Gonçalo Teixeira, PhD student in Bioengineering from the MIT-Portugal, was awarded with the Younger Investigator Award for best oral presentation. His talk was about ‘Odorant-binding proteins based sensors for volatile organic compounds detection’. #SCENT_project #ENSURE_project

Editor’s Choice Article at Sensors MDPI

Our paper “Microfluidics in Gas Sensing and Artificial Olfaction” was selected as an Editor’s Choice Article at Sensors MDPI!You can read our work here: to all!

Young Investigator Awards, Affinity 2021

We took part in the #affinity2021 virtual #conference organized by the International Society for Molecular Recognition ( We are very happy to announce that our PhD students Carina Esteves and  Gonçalo Teixeira were awarded Younger Investigator Award for their posters presentations. Congratulations!