Author name: Catarina

 i4HB Kick off Meeting

This Monday, we took part in #i4HB Kick off Meeting! Armenio Jorge Moura Barbosa shared a presentation about the “Design and discovery of affinity ligands”, in TL 4 – Bioresources Valorization and Bioproducts Production, and Prof. Ana Cecília Roque as moderator of a “Round Table on Career Development”. Check out #i4HB website:

We have three new Masters!

We have three new Masters! Lately, this month José Dinis, Inês Cebola, and João Santos successfully defended their master thesis. We wish them the very best and good luck in their future projects!  Congratulations to all three! 

New paper about peptide submicrofibers!

New paper is out! Check out this work about “Solvent modulation in peptide sub-microfibers obtained by solution blow spinning” published in Frontiers: to all the authors!

Prof. Cecília Roque at PEGS2022 – Barcelona

In November 16th, Prof. Cecília Roque took part in PEGS2022 Europe Conference in Barcelona. The presentation was under the scope of the subject “Protein Purification Technologies”, about the “Design and Discovery of Affinity and Mixed-mode Adsorvents”.

Susana Palma at 2º Simpósio de Urologia

Early this month, our postdoc researcher Susana Palma took part in the conference: “The southside of urology 2022 – 2º Simpósio de Urologia”, organized by Hospital Garcia da Horta. Congratulations for the presentation!#ENSURE_Project

Margarida Dias at ASBE VI Conference

In the beginning of this month, our postdoc researcher Margarida Dias took part in the ASBE VI Conference (6th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe), organized by the European Federation of Biotechnology, with the presentation “Cell-based vs Cell-free production and purification of marine-based structural proteins”. Congratulations!

New Article in CORDIS

Results in Brief article about the European Research Council #SCENT_project was published in CORDIS_EUOpen the following link to read:

2nd Annual Meeting of the PURE Project

The 2nd Annual Meeting of the #PURE_project was held in the University of Bayreuth, Germany, between the 26th and 28th October. This was an unique opportunity to discuss science and plan the next steps of the project.Many thanks to the Bayreuth Team for the organization!

Editor’s Choice Article at Sensors MDPI

Our paper “Microfluidics in Gas Sensing and Artificial Olfaction” was selected as an Editor’s Choice Article at Sensors MDPI!You can read our work here: to all!